Plugin API

How to use the built-in Plugin API

User plugins are supported in the form of arbitrary js files, which can be loaded at runtime.

Plugins should be loaded only from trusted sources, because they can run arbitrary code.

As plugins are loaded, they are transpiled with Babel using @babel/preset-env and @babel/preset-react. This enables plugin developers to use React to render custom UI, and use modern ES syntax.

Plugin files

A plugin file should export an object with the following keys:

  • name - The name of the plugin (required)

  • description - A short summary of the plugin's functionality

  • image - either null or a URL to an icon

  • author - Github username of the author. If it exists, it will be turned into a link

  • onLoad a function which accepts a single argument where the API will be passed. This will be called when the plugin is loaded. The plugin is loaded when the user adds the plugin file to his list, and afterwards whenever Nuclear is started.

Example of a complete plugin file:

module.exports = {
  name: 'test plugin',
  description: 'test plugin description',
  image: null,
  onLoad: api => {
    console.log('plugin started')

Uses the module.exports syntax to export your plugin so that Nuclear can access it. No other module syntax is supported at this time.

The API object

The plugin API that's passed to the plugin exposes the following keys:

  • app - app object from the Electron API, as defined here:

  • store - Redux store. This lets you use getState() to retrieve the complete application state, as well as use dispatch to dispatch actions. You can also use subscribe to react to actions.

  • React and ReactDOM give you access to these two libraries exactly as used by Nuclear itself.

Using React in plugins to render UI

It is possible to use React directly in plugins to render new UI elements. For example:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

module.exports = {
  name: 'Navbar plugin',
  description: 'Creates a navbar under the main one',
  image: null,
  author: 'nukeop',
  onLoad: api => {

    const root = document.createElement('nav'); = 'plugin-root';
    const navbar = document.getElementsByClassName('navbar')[0];
    navbar.parentNode.insertBefore(root, navbar.nextSibling);

      <nav style={{padding: '1em'}}>Plugin navbar</nav>,

Removing plugins

After uninstalling a plugin, its effects will remain until Nuclear is restarted or reloaded (ctrl+r).

Last updated